Herzlich Willkommen

As a psychotherapist I offer professional psychotherapeutic support for those suffering from psychological problems, personal crisis, interpersonal conflicts or unprocessed biographic experiences. I don’t judge, which issues lead you to me, because there are many highly individual and valid reasons to seek professional help!

It is of great value for me to create a non-judgemental, trusting and transparent working atmosphere in my psychotherapy sessions. I take a needs-oriented approach towards analyzing the factors that have led to your current issues with you together and finding potential solutions. I draw from a wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches in my work in order to enable you to integrate past experiences and work towards shaping your life according to your individual values, wishes and dreams. We work out the goals for your therapy together and coordinate each step of the treatment individually.

I am aware that people have different privileges and I strive to be sensitive to sexism and racism (and discrimination in general) in my work. Furthermore, it is of great importance to me to be open and appreciative towards lifestyles that do not conform to societal norms (e.g. queer, non-monogamous, non-heteronormative, sex-positive).

I'm looking forward to work together with you!

Am 3.8.2024 gebe ich in Berlin einen Workshop zum Thema „Yoga und innere Kind Arbeit“. In diesem Workshop versuchen wir mit Hilfe der Kombination von Yogapraxis und psychologischer innerer Kind-Arbeit den Kontakt zu unserem inneren Kind wieder auf zu nehmen. Wir werden versuchen herauszufinden, was es uns eigentlich manchmal sagen will ohne das wir es als Erwachsene richtig verstehen. Vielleicht kann dies ein Start für eine bessere Verbindung und eine neue gemeinsame Wegstrecke sein!
Hier sind mehr Informationen
Und hier die Fakten zusammengefasst